Thursday 14 August 2008


The door creaked as Yvonne Callaghan pushed open the front door.

The sweet smell of vanilla filled her nostrils. She hadn’t yet had lunch but at the moment, this was the least of her worries.

She stood at the door and peeked carefully into the room. It seemed empty. She took a step back and looked at the sign on the front door. It clearly said, “OPEN”. A rustling noise came from behind the counter; she heaved a sigh of relief. Of all the places to have a breakdown, it had to be the middle of nowhere. She made her way towards the counter and gazed around the store. Huge yellow candles on identical silver ornaments shaped like a Greco-Roman wrestler crouched down on all fours sat on opposite corners of the table. The candles sat on the hug tray balanced on his back. The rest of the room neatly held stacks and stacks of candles neatly piled on shelves arranged under occasion; Birthday, religious, scented, decorative.

Geez, I didn’t know there were so many friggin’ candles” she muttered to herself.

“Most people don’t….”

She spun around.
“Until they need one” He walked round the counter towards her. He was average height with an athletic build. Probably in his early 30s but his eyes seemed wise beyond their years. He was wearing a black KISS t-shirt, faded blue jeans and brown Birkenstocks. Neat stubble ran across his cheeks down to his chin.

“I’m sorry I….”

“You don’t need to apologise. You see, in a shop, like so…” he gestured round the room. “People….” he nodded towards her “walk in and if they buy something, yours truly” both thumbs pointing to his face “makes money…and that’s a good thing”

Yummy she thought. “Ah I see” she said out loud with a nod and a smile “unfortunately I’m not a customer. My car broke down just outside your store. Is there was a garage nearby? Hopefully walking distance”

He leaned slightly down and scratched his calf through his jeans. “The bad news is the nearest garage is waaaay deep into town…definitely not walking distance. Lucky for you I’m just about getting ready to grab some supplies in town. I can drop you off, maybe bring you back if needed”

“That would be nice…” she said with a wink. Crap, did I just wink, she thought to herself. He’s going to think you’re some kind of crazy stalker chick. Hopefully he doesn’t read any meaning to it. He wouldn’t if he were gay. Gosh I hope he’s not. Why do you care? You just met him? Get a grip woman.

“sure no problem….” he said bringing her back to the present. “I’ll just close shop…business is slow anyway”. He walked to the front door and turned over the sign. It said OPEN.

She raised her eyebrows.

“This means it says CLOSED on the outside” he explained.

She laughed.

“Don’t worry ‘bout it, I still have to remind myself I’m on the inside of the store sometimes as well”

He held open the door and gestured. “Thank you” she smiled approvingly as she walked out the door. She caught a whiff of his aftershave.

She walked towards the side of the road. Behind her, she heard the sound of front door close and keys turning.

“This way…” he said walking towards the back of the store “How rude of me, my names Jim” he said turning around to face her, walking slowly backwards.

“I’m Yvonne. And the moody yellow Mini Cooper just across the road is Daisy”

He looked across and smiled. By this time they had reached an old gray Range Rover jeep. He held open the passenger door for her to climb in. She giggled to herself as he walked over to the driver’s side.

He got in and put on a pair of sunglasses. By this time he looked more like a rock star than a candle shop owner.

He put the key in the ignition then stopped.
He turned to her and peered over his sunglasses, revealing sky blue eyes.

“Forgot to blow out the candles in the shop…I’ll be right back. Is that Ok, Yvonne”

“sure, no problem…go for it”
He smiled. “Cool, 2 secs”
Did he just say “sex”. She smiled at the thought.
He left the driver’s door open and walked briskly back round the corner to the store.

He turned the key in the lock, opened up the door and made his way behind the counter then into the back room. The supply closet held piles of boxes from all over the world. Candles imported from Brazil, Nigeria, Italy for different occasions. He manoeuvred through the boxes and made his way to a well hidden door. A huge red PRIVATE sign sat at eye level….and a combination padlock. “Can you hear me?” he half whispered. No response.
“I said Bitch, can you hear me?” this time a little louder. He heard muffled noises. Perfect. He didn’t expect much of a response since he had bound and gagged her himself.
“Don’t worry” he continued “We’ll finish off when I return. Stop crying. You know you deserve to die. You’re a whore. Whores deserve to die, don’t they?”
The muffled cries continued.
He touched himself, aroused at the thought of his own power over life and death.
He slowly made his way back to the main store. He smiled to himself. Usually he had to go out looking. Today the gods had delivered one right on his doorstep. He blew out both candles sitting on his counter and made his way to the front door.

1 comment:

Everything's Eventual... said...

I didn't see that end coming. I love your writing style, easy to read, easy to follow, and yet engaging.